The Definitive Guide to Organize Your Life And Get Rid of Clutter

Back to Part 2: How To Let Go Of Individual Items – a.k.a. Common Reasons We Hold On To Stuff

3. A Philosophical Discussion – Why Do You Have Clutter?

“In a sense, clutter is the end result of procrastination”
– Jeff Campbell

As we close, I’d like to give you some thoughts on keeping clutter out of your house – and talk a bit about my mindset and the reasons we collect things in the first place.  Very often, clutter doesn’t come just because we like stuff. We collect things because they represent aspects of our lives – extensions of our personality, physical reminders of places we’ve beendreams we wish to achieve. For example, I have a guitar,  weight training equipment and my laptop because these are all items that I use in my life and they represent the person I am today.

I recently organized some of my things, and came across some of my old textbooks.  Textbooks (and books in general) are hard for me to get rid of.  They were so expensive to buy in college, and I always thought I would refer to them and use them in my work.  I finally gave them away, but I wondered:  Why was I keeping them?

I think the fundamental reason was this:  it represented some of the possibility in my life.  We all love dreaming of what might be, of things we might use, of experiences we might have with loved ones.  Even those business cards and unread books on the bookshelf – all possibilities, adventures we may one day embark on.

I’d like to suggest to you that clutter loses its value, and its possibilities very quickly over time. If you haven’t used something for a week, you are unlikely to use it next week.  If you haven’t used it in a few months, it’s not likely you’ll use or need it in the months that follow (excepting seasonal items).  And items that we haven’t used in years – what are the chances we’ll actually use them in the coming years?

I suggest clearing out the excess, and organizing the essential that you will regularly use.  Either start using the items regularly – or declutter them.  In doing so, you’ll once again enjoy some of the items that have been sitting gathering dust – and also feel a great weight lifted off your shoulders as you let go of some of the things you no longer use, to make space for new items to come into your life, as you find new dreams, passions and hobbies.