How To Have a Productive Day: Pay Yourself First With Your Time

Beach Sunrise Wake Early Perfect Day

“Time is the coin of your life.
It is the only coin you have, and only you can determine how it will be spent.
Be careful lest you let other people spend it for you. “
– Carl Sandburg 

Each week I put aside money for my savings, investments and other expenses before spending any of it. 

If there is not enough to pay the bills, I cut down on excess spending on extraneous things.

But I always pay myself first.

That’s just money though – they print more of it every day.

What about my most important currency – what about my time?

Positive Talk Creates Positive Action – How to Stop Talking Like a Loser

Every day we make many tiny decisions that affect our lives.  One of the decisions we make almost unconsciously is the way we talk to ourselves, and the way our words affect our attitude and our action.  I caught myself doing it yesterday when I considered going to the gym and then thought “I don’t want to do it.” Right away I decided that was it – no more loser talk, time to go work out!