I Want You To Know That YOU Are Awesome

“Reflect upon your present blessings, of which every man has plenty; not on your past misfortunes, of which all men have some.”
Charles Dickens

Did you know that according to a recent Salary.com survey, 17% of people left their job due to insufficient recognition?

How many people end relationships, or leave their marriage for the same reason?

And how many of those close to you are you currently taking for granted?

We all need to be reminded to appreciate those close to us some days – and this is one of those reminders, and today is one of those days =)

People Need To Know They’re Awesome

The people in our lives are awesome.  Say it out loud. Say it to yourself – “The people in my life are awesome.”  And don’t ever forget it.

Your friends, your family, your community – how many of them are responsible for the joy in your life, and for the type of person you are today?  And how many of them have given so much to us that we often forget to give thanks for?

I don’t talk about my personal life on here much, but the truth is I live an extremely rich life because of the people in my life.

And does that mean I realize it every day? Unfortunately, no I’m not perfect – I often fall into the trap of taking it for granted.  There are times I need to remind myself that not only is the time I have here limited – but the amount of time those I care about have is limited as well, and I need to cherish the time we get to share together.

Not only do I want to make the most of my own life – I want to give the most I can to those important to me, in the moments I spend with them

Right now you may be thinking to yourself – “Hey that’s right! I should tell ____ how much they mean to me.” Don’t just think it – take action right now. Email them, call them, text them, write them a thank you note, but please don’t put it off.

You always have time to appreciate those close to you.

“You have it easily in your power to increase the sum total of this world’s happiness now. How? By giving a few words of sincere appreciation to someone who is lonely or discouraged. Perhaps you will forget tomorrow the kind words you say today, but the recipient may cherish them over a lifetime.”
Dale Carnegie

You may be wondering what inspired this article.  It was this – one of my favorite videos, a reminder to always appreciate those close to you:

Tell Those Close To You How Important They Are

Be Thankful Every Day

The last thought I’d like to leave you with is, be thankful every day for what you have.

When you read this article, there’s a good chance that you’ll realize some of the things you have taken for granted, and be thankful for some of the people in your life. I encourage you to make a genuine effort to keep it up every day – remind yourself of how much you have, and the things you have to be thankful for.

If you enjoyed this article, and want some help with being thankful every day, you may enjoy this start page, with a daily reminder to be thankful.

Set it (Be Thankful Start Page) as your home page to remind yourself every day to take a moment for gratitude.

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Further Reading:

Salary.com survey (PDF) and my source – 17% leave their job due to insufficient recognition