Value Your Time
“Value your time. Make the most of every moment to live the best life you can.”
– Sid Savara
We all have a limited number of days to achieve the things we want in our lives
Because of that, I believe in making every minute count.
I try to research the most important aspects of my life (personal productivity, health, personal relationships, mental health and happiness) and share that with you through my website.
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Willpower. Self-control. Self discipline. These are many names that all mean the same thing: having the mental strength and attitude to consciously do the things you know you must do. Yes - even when you don't emotionally want to.
When you learn how to improve your willpower, you learn how to strengthen a skill that helps across your live. Improved willpower is associated with being happier, scoring higher on standardized tests and earning more money. Willpower is also highly correlated with accomplishing personal goals.
What you may not know however, is that willpower is a resource that you can call upon - and at the same time, it is also a skill that you can improve.
I'll show you seven scientific, research backed way you can improve your own personal self discipline today

While having dinner with a friend, he was practically in tears at how his business was doing. His family life was suffering, he was staying up late at night stressed out and I could tell he wasn't caring for himself. He wasn't sleeping much, he wasn't eating well - and it seemed like he was on the edge of collapse.
Why you might ask, was this happening? Was he losing clients too quickly? Was his business on its last legs? was thriving and more profitable than ever.
And that was the problem.

There are many mistakes I have made in my life. I hope that as I have learned from them, the lessons I've shared so far will help you avoid the pain and regret that follows from them. Today I want to share the biggest mistake I made with you.
The Importance Of Situational Understanding
Before I tell you, let me share with you how I got here. Without understanding this, you may read it and not fully absorb how important it is. See, that's the thing about some of the most profound lessons in our lives: it takes more than just being told a lesson, to really understand the lesson. We have to learn them at just the right time, in just the right context, or it doesn't actually sink in and make any difference. Your mentors may tell you this lesson in passing, but without a proper frame of mind to accept it, you won't realize just how powerful it is and brush it off.The SECOND Biggest Mistake...
And in fact, that may be the second biggest mistake I have ever made in my life:Ignoring good advice, believing it didn't apply to me, because I was not yet ready to receive it - and wasting years of my life until I finally came around and understood how valuable that information was.

Since 1972, Pew Research has conducted surveys on how happy people are. And you know what they've found?
Over time, half the people report feeling so-so, about a third are very happy, and about a fifth are not too happy.
The results are remarkably consistent across the decades.
The question is, if you're not happy - how can you get into that top group? And if you're already there - how can you stay there?
Well you can't buy your way into it.
The study suggests in most cases...
Money is Not What we Desire to Make us Happy
So what is it?A successful career? Family? Children?
These are all 2-4 on the list.
No, there is one thing that we crave more than anything else.
I'm not discounting how important family and contributing meaningfully to society is.
Rather - this survey highlights a real problem that we haven't solved yet.
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Have a plan for it.
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Need to make a big change in your life?
Check it out: How To Change Yourself
Sid Has Been Seen In:

“Sid, I just wanted to thank you for helping me to change my life.I am more focused and have established three very important and helpful habits as a result of the Action Solution: I feel so much more balanced, grounded and aware of where I am going and why.
I am so excited about my lifeI am making true progress.”Dawn Anderson, Designer