7 Ways To Beat Distraction and Improve Concentration


“Success in any endeavor requires single-minded attention to detail and total concentration.”

Willie Sutton

Do you know that the average worker in the United States loses 2.1 hours per day due to interruptions and distractions?   Even worse – on average it took  25 minutes to return to their original task – if they returned to it at all.

2.1 hours a day is significant – think of all you could do if you had 2 extra hours every day.  We can use many strategies to make more time, but it’s all for nothing if we end up losing it due to distraction.

Today I’m going to share with you exactly how I beat distraction – so I can stay focused and get what I need done, fast.

Stop Checking Email So Often

Some studies have shown people checked their email up to 40 times per hour.

I  limit myself to 3-5 times per day (and never first thing in the morning!).  

If you’re constantly distracted online – the first thing to cut is checking email (and yes, all your social media accounts too)

Stop Answering the Phone

How often does someone really need to speak to you right that instant?

Answer: not often. Let it go to voice mail – and respond on your schedule.  

Even better – respond by email.  Don’t call and become their distraction.

Defend Your Workspace

For some this may mean closing your door.

For me on my computer, I use different web browsers for business versus personal.

Similarly, keep your work space for work.

Not only will it prevent distraction – it’ll help you psychologically associate your workspace with a productive driven mindset.

Clear That Desk

One of the my early productivity warning signs is a messy desk.  

Unfortunately, a messy desk can also make it difficult to concentrate: studies have even shown that visually seeing clutter is emotionally draining.

So do yourself a favor and clear your desk.  Going to full screen mode on my computer serves a similar purpose.

Put On Headphones

If you’ve worked in a shared office, library or coffee, you’ve probably seen people deeply focused with  headphones on.  

Even without music –  put headphones on to send a signal: I’m engaged with what I’m doing.  You’re far less likely to be interrupted or spoken to.

Plan & Prepare For Work

Get any tools, documents, notes you need up front – so you never have to get up in the middle to get some information, or find that piece of paper – or whatever it is.  

I lay out my game plan before I start working, and pull out all the pieces I need.

Not only does being organized like this help me accomplish my tasks, having everything at my fingertips means I don’t have to spend time looking for things to get started.

Take Breaks To Keep Your Rhythm

Take breaks often, before you lose focus – and with a clear idea of where to pick up.

When you reach a good milestone, but could work longer, don’t finish the task.

Instead, note what you need to do and then spend a few minutes stretching, or closing your eyes to rest, reflect and focus.  

When you come back to your work, your  attention span has reset – and it’s easy for you to pick up and get back into it.

Further Reading

Sources: PDF No Task Left Behind?  Examining the Nature of Fragmented Work.  Gloria Mark, Victor M. Gonzalez, Justin Harris. 2007 University of Glasgow Research Study