3 Dead-Simple Tips To Actually Keep Your New Year’s Resolutions

Do you have plans to change this year – perhaps take your life to the next level with a New Year’s Resolutions?

I’ve previously shared research with you that 92% of resolutions end in failure – despite most people believing they will achieve their resolutions!

I also discussed in a previous article the week when more resolutions are broken than any other: you guessed it, the first week of the year.

What can you do to make sure you don’t end up as one of those statistics?

Here are three concrete, research and experience backed strategies you can use to keep your resolutions – unlike most people.

And if you’ve already faltered, don’t worry – you can still use these strategies and get right back on track

#1: Set Realistic Resolutions

If you’re serious about making a change, then don’t just set a resolution because it sounds good – or because you think it will impress other people.

Do something that really impacts your life – and be realistic about what motivates you, and what you can achieve.

If you instead set a goal that you know in the back of your mind you won’t reach then you’re just sabotaging yourself from the start.

#2: Take A First Step Right Away

One of the biggest reasons resolutions fail is because people never get started.

We come up with plans, and get motivated and pumped up to work on our resolutions – and then decide we’ll start “tomorrow.”

Tomorrow never comes, and the resolution is broken before it even gets off the ground.

So rather than looking too far ahead into the future and thinking about how amazing things will be when you accomplish your resolution – think about today, this week, and what you can do to make progress right now.

Take a first, imperfect step – rather than daydreaming about a perfect plan which may overwhelm you or get put off forever.

#3: Be Consistent

One of the most difficult things about making positive change in our lives is that we’re such creatures of habit.

We do the same things and follow the same patterns every day.

To achieve a major life change, you need to modify your behavior.

In the short term, you can use willpower to do so – but in the long run, you want to change the underlying habit itself.

They key for that is to be consistent.

Don’t miss workouts, don’t just stick to your resolutions “when you feel like it.”

I personally like to commit to daily action – and preferably at a specific time.

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